I believe that it is very important to have a “roadmap” to follow to guide the Master/slave relationship in the proper direction. I believe that this can only be effectively accomplished by proper planning in both the short term and long term efforts. While it is understood that no one can foresee the future, there should be enough proper planning in place to assure that as many possibilities are taken into consideration as possible. I often equate this planning process as a “roadmap”, because as a real roadmap may have more than one route to plan a trip so do the goals and objectives of the Master/slave relationship.
As an example, while planning a trip from point A to point B it may be desired to get to point B via the fastest route. This may not necessarily be the best of planning however. While it may take a little longer to get to point B via a slightly slower route it may be found that it’s better to take a slightly slower route that may be a safer alternative. After all, it’s better to arrive at point B safely than it is to have problems along the way via the fastest route. There is also the possibility along the way of an accident occurring that is out of one’s control, hence the need for a “plan B” to arrive at a destination safely.
Just as one might listen to traffic reports during a trip to keep abreast of current conditions, I believe that a Master should also listen to his slave to keep abreast of current situations that might affect the relationship or its objectives. The more information a Master can get to help in the planning process the more effective he can be for the future of the relationship and his slave.
Finally, while there is no set course to life and relationships, I believe that a Master should always have a good roadmap to guide the relationship. I also believe that proper planning can go a long way to helping the Master/slave relationship meet its goals and objectives, and to my knowledge no one has ever come up with a GPS to accomplish this.
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