Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Some Words About Obedience Semantics

While many Masters dwell on obedience and that the slave should do this or that simply because she was supposed to or told to is one thing and one way to look at it for some.  I personally don’t believe in that philosophy, and it’s not how I believe it should be viewed. Do I want a slave to obey? Yes, of course. That’s what being a slave is all about. What I don’t want, is a slave to obey simply because I told her to do so unless there is no other option however. I want her to obey because of the desire within her to please me. It’s not doing what I say simply because I say it, I want her to obey because she wants to do whatever it is for me. In my opinion, it’s not about obedience strictly for the sake of obedience, it’s about obedience out of desire, love and respect, and that obedience becomes a positive for the Master/slave relationship. While obedience is a must by any account, it is much better to achieve that obedience out of love and respect than to achieve it out of any other method.

Monday, November 29, 2010

My Thoughts on Sex and the Master/slave relationship.

While I believe that sex (intercourse) is a necessary thing in life for most people, I don’t believe that it is the “cement” that binds the Master and slave together. Those things in my mind are love, respect and devotion between the two. I hear time and time again, from person after person, that sex is what the lifestyle is about. I disagree!!  I believe that the lifestyle is an enhancement to an affectionate relationship between two people.  The Master/slave relationship is included in that, but it’s not based on sex alone, if at all.  Sexual play is, of course, part of the lifestyle and what I consider erotic play as I’ve discussed previously, but once again, I believe that it is not the mainstay of the relationship. The mainstay of the Master/slave relationship, in my opinion, is two people living together in an affectionate relationship of caring, love, devotion, respect and trust. That is what makes the Master/slave relationship grow between the two, which is the primary goal, and that has absolutely nothing to do with sex.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Some words about social networking and internet use.

In our modern world social networking has become the norm for most people. It is a way to communicate with friends and family, and also to gather information in general, not to mention other forms of internet entertainment. In reality, many lifestyle relationships, both real and “online” have started on the internet from dating sites and have been very successful. With the advent of the “smart” phone we all carry the power of the internet around in our pockets these days. For better or worse, it has become part of our daily lives. It does however pose a problem for the Master and also the Master/slave relationship. It is impractical for the Master to watch over every single thing that the slave does while online, but in my mind there has to be some control as well. The question becomes how does a Master control the content of what the slave has access to. Does a Master allocate specific times for social networking as a privilege, or does he control access in some other way.  After a lot of thought about this problem, I have come to the conclusion that it’s an impractical, if not impossible task. This all boils down to trust. The Master must trust his slave enough that she will act and behave properly when on the internet, just as she behaves properly in person. It is also part of the slave’s responsibility to recognize this trust exists and not abuse that trust or the privilege granted by her Master. A slave’s actions on the internet must reflect her actions in person, and if they don’t, it creates a significant problem for the Master/slave relationship in general. In my opinion, social networking and the internet in general is a double edged sword that is full of temptation just as life is and it must be approached in the same manner with trust and proper behavior being the key to success. It is a problem that we all have to come to terms with on a daily basis for better or for worse. 

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Some Words About A slave’s Choices

I often read different profiles for slaves and wonder “what are they thinking”. I read about those listed as slaves that must have this or that, but don’t want other things. In my opinion, that’s not what a being a slave is all about. While I do agree with a slave having desires and making those desires known to a Master, I don’t agree with the “if it can’t be this way then it’s nothing at all” approach.  Every slave has a right to choose to be a slave, but once that choice is made, then what happens after is the Master’s decision and not the slaves.  Any other formulation of if not this then not that or I don’t play is totally out of the question. If that’s a slave’s mental state then she may be a submissive but certainly not a slave in my opinion.  While I encourage, and actually require a slave to share her desires and kinks with me, and I will normally do my best as a good Master to fulfill those desires when I deem it appropriate, for the slave to pick and choose on her own is not slavery in any sense of the word.  It may be submissive but it’s certainly not slavery in my opinion.