Monday, November 29, 2010

My Thoughts on Sex and the Master/slave relationship.

While I believe that sex (intercourse) is a necessary thing in life for most people, I don’t believe that it is the “cement” that binds the Master and slave together. Those things in my mind are love, respect and devotion between the two. I hear time and time again, from person after person, that sex is what the lifestyle is about. I disagree!!  I believe that the lifestyle is an enhancement to an affectionate relationship between two people.  The Master/slave relationship is included in that, but it’s not based on sex alone, if at all.  Sexual play is, of course, part of the lifestyle and what I consider erotic play as I’ve discussed previously, but once again, I believe that it is not the mainstay of the relationship. The mainstay of the Master/slave relationship, in my opinion, is two people living together in an affectionate relationship of caring, love, devotion, respect and trust. That is what makes the Master/slave relationship grow between the two, which is the primary goal, and that has absolutely nothing to do with sex.

1 comment:

  1. Reading your blogs have definitely made me think if im more submissive or slave material. The idea is exciting and I've definitely learned alot.
